Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Day 8 - Got the book

Got myself a copy of Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer. Just started reading today and I'm a pretty slow reader so it'll be a while before I'm done.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Day 1 - Te Mata Peak

Watched "Into the Wild" last night for a second time, I love that movie and admire Christopher McCandless. After the movie i decided to google earth "Magic Bus", I didn't expect it to still be there, this led me to finding the magic bus site, and after some more surfing, stories from people who had been inspired by Chris' story and made the trek out to the bus. The trek to the bus itself being only a days trip however people coming from all over the world to see the bus. I thought to myself I'd love to see that bus and pay my respects to Chris, this is when I decided I'm going to magic bus. Once I've finished my degree and I have saved the money I will make the trip to Alaska. I'm yet to consider dates but likely to still be 3 years away yet, this is a long time but I do need some training :) not the fittest at the moment.

So Day 1 of my mission to get to Alaska, might as well start getting fit. Ive just ridden from home up Te Mata peak which is in Havelock Nth, New Zealand. Head wind the whole way out and up, starting to rain, under dressed and cold but I made it up, I almost gave up and turned back 2-3 times but i was inspired.

So Day 1 down, 1095 or so more to go. Im going to try document my progress over the next 3 years or so here, maybe this will help me keep focused, fingers crossed.
